Webinar Replay 08/16/18

Terry showed the options to Gutenberg which will be the new editor included in the core of WordPress in the next major release. The plugin can be installed to start learning it as Terry demonstrates. He also touched on Elementor page builder that Dennis Maloney, one...

Webinar Replays 08/02/18 – 08/14/18

These webinars were cancelled do to Terry spending some time with his dad before he passed away on 08/08/18 and then to take care of family business and the funeral. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Webinar Replay 07/31/18

Terry showed a plugin named “Popup Maker” to allow popups that can be on certain pages/post or on all pages. He also went over a graphic website called Stencil to allow you to create graphics for social media sites.       Link to Stencil...

Webinar Replay 07/26/18

This webinar was cancelled do to Terry needing time to go visit with his daughter and her family and pick up his grandchildren to spend some time with them before school starts back. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Webinar Replay 07/24/18

Terry went over a free program that you install on your computer to allow editing audio files called Audacity.       Link to...