Terry covered several topics in this session. First he explained the “Rule of Thirds” as used in photography and videos. He then explained how to make sidebar content in WordPress to disappear when you don’t find a widget in the widget area. He then...
Mark & Robert had a Great presentation called “The Life-Force 8” that can affect your business and life. They then had a Q&A session talking about how other businesses sale us and how you can benefit from learning some of their techniques.
Terry demonstrated a free plugin called “Sticky Menu (or Anything)” that allows you to lock the menu (or Anything) at the top as the visitor is scrolling the page. This could even be an optin box or banner. Download to Sticky Menu (or Anything)...
Mark & Robert – Summary coming soon.
In this session Terry talked about 3 WordPress plugins that deal with images or files in your media and allowing video as your feature image. The plugins are Enable Media Replace, Media File Renamer and Featured Video Plus. Plugins: Enable Media Replace Media File...