Mark & Robert provided vital information on mindset in the area of email marketing. Must watch!!!
Terry had promoted a product called Levidio 5 that uses PowerPoint to create videos. He covered the process to make any slide show a video. Terry then covered and ecommerce plugin called “WooCommerce”. This is a free download for WordPress that allows you...
Robert provided some Great information on segregating your email list and keeping your autoresponder clean with quality email addresses.
Terry talked shortly about using automation to save time and make you more productive. He went through 2 examples of using IFTTTÂ ( If This Then That) to help in automation without any programming. Mark and Robert then joined in to help with questions and to provide...
In this session Robert talked about how to revive an old list. He explained how to segregate your old list into separate list of readers, action takers and ones that should be deleted from your list to save money and prevent bounce rates increases. Download...