Tech Talk 03/09/17

Terry went over setting up Adsense on your website and demonstrated a plugin called “Ads Inserter” to display the Adsense ads automatically.

Smart Talk 03/07/17

Mark & Robert provided an excellent presentation to help with motivation.

Tech Talk 03/02/17

Mark covered a new site for generating legal pages for free. He showed how to generate the pages. Terry went over how to install code on the bottom of your pages to place links to the legal pages. Links to code & sites discussed: Code File –...

Smart Talk 02/28/17

We had a special guest, Theocharis Katranis, one of our SMC members that is taking action and moving his business forward. Robert ran through a Great presentation with Theo to help explain different focuses we need in this wheel of life. He used S.M.A.R.T as the...

Tech Talk 02/23/17

Terry went over creating a members dashboard page for your membership site along with using the custom menus in InstaTheme to control what menus members see when they login. He then went through a demonstration of using VideoPal as promised to the members that had...