Smart Talk 02/21/17

Terry stepped in for Mark and Robert this week. He went over 27 Affiliate Blog Income Options that you can use with your website.

Tech Talk 02/16/17

Terry went over 3 plugins that will disable blogging functions for websites, allow inserting post ads and redirecting pages not found that generate a 404 error to a good page. Plugin URL’s mentioned: Disable Blogging in WordPress Insert Post Ads 404 to 301...

Smart Talk 02/14/17

Mark & Robert covered email copy to help you understand how to write emails that get reactions along with actions.

Tech Talk 02/09/17

Terry taught how to combine multiple WordPress sites using the built in Export and Import features of WordPress. He also showed how to add 3 lines of code to the sites that the content was exported from so that all links would still reach the content but on the domain...